One single bird, wet with dew,
Has come out:
The morning cherry.
I love it. I just wrote my first entry and I feel so lifted, I haven't written in a journal in so long, and it definitely helped me release that stress us youngsters get, and some youngsters release with doing drugs, or having unprotected sex with a random hot guy. but no i'll be happy with writing about
my feelings(so cheesy), my dreams, my hopes, my secret day dreams, i'll be happy with my little doodles I love to draw on the corners of pages. ahhh how i missed the smell of ink on a beautiful journal. In other news, as in the picture to my ( and your, whoever you may be!) left, I cut my hair. oh mama, It was so impulsive, and liberating. I'm still getting used to it, seeing as I cut it less than a week ago, but so far I like it very much so. I have been SO, SO, SOOOO busy with college work that I've neglected this little blogspot, and i feel awful. Though I know I wont be posting as much as i used to, I will continue to post much more frequently. and with my journal, I will have another sort of way to express myself, hooray for expressing oneself on the internet, where no one reads it, and in a journal where my mum can secretly go in to my room and skimp through the pages where I write about my wet dreams.....and such. With the purchase of this journal, I also bought fortune-telling book of dreams. Just cos' I love innocent little books like this one. I have a giant horoscope/dream book, but this one was so cute and portably small, and BLUE, that I had to get it. So far I find it extremely delightful. I cant wait to analyze my own and other people's dreams while on the bus, or at the market, or at school, or some other place I can't think of right now. On that note, adieu I bid thee. -shalom-